The disintegration of the global economy

The Greek debt crisis has pushed the EU into a panic. Greece and may be a lost cause. Portugal and Ireland are close behind Greece in default on its debt, and Belgium, Italy and Spain could be next. While the austerity measures are put in these European debt ridden countries, the people are protesting to maintain public services that give them a decent lifestyle. And this fear has come to the U.S.. Republicans are pushing to balance the economy, no matter who gets hurt because of the loss programs. It seems as if the Great Recession has changed the playing field for a global economy, and there seems no way out. We all want to go back to what we had before, but this may happen even more?

The study of astrological ages, 35 years ago, it became clear that the world had changed. The new idea at the time was the creation of a global economy, an idea that reflects the astrological energy of Aquarius. Aquarius governs the global communications and global culture. So how is Aquarius affect us today? We are currently in the Age of Pisces. Pisces rules dissolution, among other things. Each period contains twelve eras. The 1800's 1980 were the Age of Aquarius at this age. During that time the world expanded or reduced, and became connected world in the second half of the twentieth century. This era gave us the Industrial Revolution and the Twentieth Century. The idea of ​​a global economy in an interconnected world became a major focus for humanity. This idea is also reflected in the closeness we feel with the coming Age of Aquarius in 2160. All this is fine, except that the time is not linear. We leave behind the Age of Aquarius in 1980, and are not yet in the Age of Aquarius. The time for a real global economy is still in the future.

Each period contains twelve stages and that the world has been in a state of dissolution since 1965, the phase of the Age of Pisces, Aquarius, 1965 and 1980. Unemployment and welfare began a sharp rise in late 1960. Inflation became a serious economic problem, and cities were quickly driven to the brink of bankruptcy. Since 1980 we have been in the Age of Pisces to the Age of Pisces. This has been a double bath to dissolve the energies that have caused many serious problems for society as increasing pressure on the economies of all countries.

Pisces energy dissolution and disintegration polarity of Virgo and extinction have led to industrial toxic pollution and nuclear weapons, global warming and climate change, increased volcanic activity and earthquakes, floods and storms of huge fire , and a massive increase in the extinction of species. Terrorism, depression and suicides have increased dramatically. Things are falling apart now in Pisces / Virgo fashion. The additional costs of these trends have been enormous, and have been badly hurt economies worldwide.

While the rules Aquarius world brotherhood and culture, and global communications, this was a Pisces, with Virgo polarity rules are divided into smaller parts and the dissolution of global interconnect lines that are necessary for a global culture. Virgo were some moments of isolated feudal closed to the surrounding communities. Ages of Pisces has been moments of social and political crisis and confusion. Due to the polarity, the two powers go hand in hand. Pisces is a water sign, Pisces and the dissolution of cohesion affects a group's emotional and mental ability to think rationally. The earth sign Virgo disintegration and extinction increases the tendency to separate from the others in a state of isolation. Pisces fear intensifies the need for isolation.

What this means is that the idea of ​​a global economy does not correspond to the energies of this time period we are in. The seed was set at the end of the Age of Aquarius, but it will not take shape until we enter the age of Aquarius in another 150 years. And the story and is pushing us to consider this possibility. The phase of the Age of Taurus, Pisces, 1995 to 2010, was a period of increasing greed and dissolution of the economy. Taurus rules money and the economy. The economist Paul Krugman warned that time he had entered a period he calls a return to depression economics, where human fears and greed override the rules of the economy. The devastating economic debacle Asian flu took the world by storm in 1997. The Great Recession destroyed the idea that real estate is a sound investment, has led to the current debt crisis in the EU, and economic need to pay our debts in the U.S.. As we approach the Gemini phase, from 2010 to 2025, the quality of the division will be at the forefront of almost everything we do. The global economy is likely to break, to some extent, and the political and economic thought are polarized. We see that the polarization in politics already.

We should note that the times are telling us to pull back and take care of our countries and local communities at this time. Our global economy is based on the control of emerging global economies, and the immense suffering they inflict on businesses local populations. Perhaps the times are telling us to pull back and create small sustainable communities, which act as a solid foundation for the creation of a global economy in the Age of Aquarius arrives.

The disintegration of the global economy

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