Archive for November 2011

The global marketing environment

Global marketing environment is a difficult term to explain, as it covers all aspects of the world are continually changing. To explain the real situation of the environment is necessary to go through the most current literature and study the current changes. This chapter is giving the idea of ​​marketing the current challenges and changes and the forces of the underwater environment.

Today is marketing

The change in customer behavior and the proliferation of new marketing channels configurations of the new issues in the business world. Competition in the international market is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain lifelong relationship with customers. Selling quality products and service at an affordable price, it is not enough to win the loyalty of customers there are many other dimensions of care. These changes modify the secondary gains and customer-centric organizations and organizations born of new theories and approaches.

Marketing today has come out with the circle of 4P (product, price, place and promotion) and in the broadest sense it is taking as a function of the organization. The modified form of marketing is to deliver greater value to customers and develop and maintain a healthy relationship.

According to the American Marketing Association Marketing today is:

"Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders." (Keefe, 2004)

Macro Environment and

The global marketing environment includes the environment and the macroeconomic environment. The intermediate environment contains factors that are semi-controllable through contracts and will be categorized as suppliers, distributors, promoters and shareholders. For example, in the industries of software from different vendors, application vendors, temporary specialized subcontractors, etc. are part of the environment in between. The macro environment consists of the factors and forces that are often uncontrollable. (Lee, 2005)

For global marketing strategic planning to assess and investigate threats, opportunities and risk assessment generally used by organizations maja maja analysis here is synonymous with political and economic factors, social, technological, legal and environmental. (The macro environmental forces are also shown in the figure above). External auditor are mostly used to audit the impact of these forces.

Some countries have policies that are more relaxed and easy to import and export.

The history of the countries of the friendship and healthy business offerings also have a positive impact on future trade. Similarly, if countries have better infrastructure for trade policies and legislation that also goes for international traders. This helps minimize the time and provide safe treatment and especially the newcomers feel comfortable with the trade in that environment. With all these reasons the fresh literature speaks of the participation of twelve factors in international trade.

In 2005, according to Geri Clarke FREDICT aid is a more comprehensive framework for analyzing international marketing environment.

H F Financial History

Economic R-E International Trade Rules

LE Language Environment

PD population policy

S Social Infrastructure I

C Culture

T Technology

Changes and Challenges

In 1998, article in The Economist sums it up nicely:

"Marketing has become a complex art. Technology and trade have increased the potential for global brands. The fragmentation of audiences and rising costs of television and print advertising are doing other media appeal. And the direct marketing and the Internet are rewriting the rules of marketing. "

55 years ago, the invention of television opens up new forms of mass marketing and visual demonstration of the many local brands and now have the status of world-class brand. This technology changes the language of advertising. In old age, especially people preferred to buy the things of the search market and mainly transmitted by radio market issues and new products coming. Then television gave new confidence to their viewers worldwide and announces the real market position. The visual demonstration also teach and guide people properly and also responded to the question why they need and want this specific product. Now the World Wide Web is taking the position of the TV and digital TV mode and Smart phones are writing new rules of marketing.

Today phones and pagers is the basic necessity of people and everyone is in the range only by a small piece of technology. Here telecommunications was playing an important role. Now, in the late 20th century, the emergence of Internet and telecommunications to introduce m-commerce. First phone companies simply provide update information as weather reports, online gaming, the latest movies and songs, and more information only to provide better service and customer satisfaction. From that time the m-commerce became part of our life and no one feels this addition of new business technology, today banks and other financial services are also providing mobile commerce services and this small device has become the source of market transactions. This was the short review of the development of technology.

On the other hand the destructive incidents such as 9 / 11 and 7 / 7, etc. and other country's wars (war on terrorism) are destroying the developed markets and investors are afraid to invest money in these risk areas.

The customer buying behavior and their perception of quality is changing and is now demanding that the rich value-added products and services. Multinational corporations and chain stores also create a strong global competition and increasingly difficult to maintain a long term relationship with existing customers.

However, the last decade of the twentieth century, bought great changes redefine the role and concept of marketing. The rapidly changing customer market made more sophisticated and value added requirements. Products / services development and management has changed dramatically, the values ​​of third and made Internet transactions easier and virtual payment and distribution channels to introduce new form of market approach (O'Connor, 2001).

The global marketing environment

The global financial crisis and its impact

The financial crisis of 2008-2009 is a major financial crisis. It became prominently visible in September 2008 with the bankruptcy, merger, or conservatorship of several large United States-based financial firms. The main causes of the crisis had been published in business journals for many months before September, with commentary on the financial stability of major U.S. investment banks and Europe, insurance companies and mortgage banks following the subprime mortgage crisis.

From the failures of large financial institutions in the United States, quickly became a global credit crisis, deflation and a sharp reduction in shipping resulting in a number of European bank failures and declining rates diverse actions, and a reduction in market value of equities (stocks) and commodities worldwide.

The credit crisis was exacerbated by Section 128 of the Law on Emergency Economic Stabilization 2008, which allowed the Federal Reserve System to pay interest on excess reserve balances held on deposit from banks, removing the long-term incentive for banks to extend credit instead of cash on deposit with the Treasury's central bank. The crisis led to a problem of liquidity and deleveraging of financial institutions, especially in the United States and Europe, which further accelerated the liquidity crisis and a decline in international shipping and trade. Political leaders and national ministers of finance and central bank directors have coordinated their efforts to reduce fears but the crisis continues and continues to change, evolving at the end of January in a currency crisis with investors transferring large capital resources stronger currencies like the yen, dollar and Swiss franc, leading many emerging economies to seek help from the International Monetary Fund. The crisis was triggered by the crisis of subprime mortgages and is an acute phase of the financial crisis of 2007-2008.

Russia's economy affected

The Russian financial crisis of 2008-2009, part of the global economic crisis of 2008, is a crisis in financial markets of Russia, who came from the crisis in U.S. sub-prime mortgages and has been compounded by political fears after the war with Georgia, and the falling oil price of Urals heavy crude, which has lost more than 70% of its value since its record high of $ 147 on 4 in July 2008. While according to the World Bank, Russia's strong short-term macroeconomic fundamentals make it better prepared than many emerging economies to tackle the crisis, structural weaknesses and high dependence on a single product price that its impact more pronounced than would be the case. Fiscal agile and heavy financial reserves have protected Russia could more deeply the consequences of this clash.

Reasons why gold will rise in 2009

Treasury Secretary Paulson spoke about the current crisis is potentially worse than the Great Depression. Alan Greenspan told Congress that the financial crisis had left him in a "state of shocked disbelief." The leading economists are saying "this looks an awful lot like the beginning of the second Great Depression."

U.S. consumer confidence has fallen more sharply than at any other time since records began in 1978. From 09 September, we saw the nationalization of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG, the socialization of the automobile industry, the demise of investment banking, a ransom of $ 700 million with another recently passed stimulus plan, the Lehman Brothers; "breaking the buck" of the supposedly solid money market funds, the largest bank failure in history, the implosion of global stock markets, falling housing values, retail sales and consumer confidence, the biggest drop in industrial production in 34 years, and one unprecedented breach of trust, both in commodities and financial assets. It is increasingly apparent that fear predominates. Individual investors are abandoning anything with the slightest hint of risk. Last year was the worst year for global equity markets since the Great Depression, the Dow suffered its worst annual drop since 1931. Investors are taking large amounts of money from hedge funds, mutual funds and bond mutual funds in one of the biggest flights to safety in the financial industry has ever seen. Defensive asset class have assets that have the same risk / return characteristics are positively correlated with each other and are traditional inflation hedges that are negatively correlated with stocks - they do well when stocks do poorly. Historically, the main defensive assets has been the gold. Of the main assets, bonds and gold have only escaped the selling panic that gripped the markets. Gold rose 5. 4% over 2008, ending the year above $ 850 a troy ounce. Gold bullion reached $ 1030.80 in mid-March and mints around the world ran out of popular gold coins and small bars of gold after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September. The U.S. rate cutreduced to virtually zero opportunity cost of buying gold and gold ETF holdings have soared from 7 million ounces to more than 30 million ounces in less than four years of gold is different from other precious metals such as platinum, palladium and silver because the demand for these precious metals arises mainly from its industrial applications.

Increase in value of gold is derived from its use and worldwide acceptance as a store of value and a safe haven. Other precious metals also have been classified as defensive assets, but have not worked as well as gold during the crisis. For example, investment accounts for about 90% of gold demand, while investment represents only one third of the total demand for platinum. Therefore, although gold has done well, demand for platinum is for industrial use has declined rapidly, particularly due to the high concentration of platinum use in new cars - an endangered species in an economy that the automakers are asking Washington for funds to keep afloat. The price of gold has been supported by the view that it is a safe haven in times of economic or political uncertainty, while industrial demand for platinum has plummeted. Platinum reached a record high of $ 2267.00 per ounce in March, but fell like a stone from there, like silver. Platinum fell nearly 60% since its peak in March, while silver fell 47%. The last time gold traded for more than platinum was January 21, 1994, when gold closed at $ 381.70 and $ 380.90 platinum.

The global financial crisis and its impact

The disintegration of the global economy

The Greek debt crisis has pushed the EU into a panic. Greece and may be a lost cause. Portugal and Ireland are close behind Greece in default on its debt, and Belgium, Italy and Spain could be next. While the austerity measures are put in these European debt ridden countries, the people are protesting to maintain public services that give them a decent lifestyle. And this fear has come to the U.S.. Republicans are pushing to balance the economy, no matter who gets hurt because of the loss programs. It seems as if the Great Recession has changed the playing field for a global economy, and there seems no way out. We all want to go back to what we had before, but this may happen even more?

The study of astrological ages, 35 years ago, it became clear that the world had changed. The new idea at the time was the creation of a global economy, an idea that reflects the astrological energy of Aquarius. Aquarius governs the global communications and global culture. So how is Aquarius affect us today? We are currently in the Age of Pisces. Pisces rules dissolution, among other things. Each period contains twelve eras. The 1800's 1980 were the Age of Aquarius at this age. During that time the world expanded or reduced, and became connected world in the second half of the twentieth century. This era gave us the Industrial Revolution and the Twentieth Century. The idea of ​​a global economy in an interconnected world became a major focus for humanity. This idea is also reflected in the closeness we feel with the coming Age of Aquarius in 2160. All this is fine, except that the time is not linear. We leave behind the Age of Aquarius in 1980, and are not yet in the Age of Aquarius. The time for a real global economy is still in the future.

Each period contains twelve stages and that the world has been in a state of dissolution since 1965, the phase of the Age of Pisces, Aquarius, 1965 and 1980. Unemployment and welfare began a sharp rise in late 1960. Inflation became a serious economic problem, and cities were quickly driven to the brink of bankruptcy. Since 1980 we have been in the Age of Pisces to the Age of Pisces. This has been a double bath to dissolve the energies that have caused many serious problems for society as increasing pressure on the economies of all countries.

Pisces energy dissolution and disintegration polarity of Virgo and extinction have led to industrial toxic pollution and nuclear weapons, global warming and climate change, increased volcanic activity and earthquakes, floods and storms of huge fire , and a massive increase in the extinction of species. Terrorism, depression and suicides have increased dramatically. Things are falling apart now in Pisces / Virgo fashion. The additional costs of these trends have been enormous, and have been badly hurt economies worldwide.

While the rules Aquarius world brotherhood and culture, and global communications, this was a Pisces, with Virgo polarity rules are divided into smaller parts and the dissolution of global interconnect lines that are necessary for a global culture. Virgo were some moments of isolated feudal closed to the surrounding communities. Ages of Pisces has been moments of social and political crisis and confusion. Due to the polarity, the two powers go hand in hand. Pisces is a water sign, Pisces and the dissolution of cohesion affects a group's emotional and mental ability to think rationally. The earth sign Virgo disintegration and extinction increases the tendency to separate from the others in a state of isolation. Pisces fear intensifies the need for isolation.

What this means is that the idea of ​​a global economy does not correspond to the energies of this time period we are in. The seed was set at the end of the Age of Aquarius, but it will not take shape until we enter the age of Aquarius in another 150 years. And the story and is pushing us to consider this possibility. The phase of the Age of Taurus, Pisces, 1995 to 2010, was a period of increasing greed and dissolution of the economy. Taurus rules money and the economy. The economist Paul Krugman warned that time he had entered a period he calls a return to depression economics, where human fears and greed override the rules of the economy. The devastating economic debacle Asian flu took the world by storm in 1997. The Great Recession destroyed the idea that real estate is a sound investment, has led to the current debt crisis in the EU, and economic need to pay our debts in the U.S.. As we approach the Gemini phase, from 2010 to 2025, the quality of the division will be at the forefront of almost everything we do. The global economy is likely to break, to some extent, and the political and economic thought are polarized. We see that the polarization in politics already.

We should note that the times are telling us to pull back and take care of our countries and local communities at this time. Our global economy is based on the control of emerging global economies, and the immense suffering they inflict on businesses local populations. Perhaps the times are telling us to pull back and create small sustainable communities, which act as a solid foundation for the creation of a global economy in the Age of Aquarius arrives.

The disintegration of the global economy

The global crisis - Promotion of Local Development and Employment

I'm no economist, but I understand the reality of the challenges facing Africa today, due to the negative impact of the global economic crisis and will give an overview on the topic of global crisis, an African perspective. There is no doubt that Africa has been hardest hit by the impact of the global financial crisis and this summit is brainstorming to find solutions to the unfortunate plight. If you are looking for solutions, let me share my experiences with you.

Globalization for each stretch of the imagination has great advantages. Unfortunately, it is clear that Africa has not benefited from its positive aspects and instead said has become far more dependent on developed countries to the great detriment of the suffering masses. Africa has been vulnerable to a number of reasons. The first is the lack of national tenacity, accountability and a spirit of patriotic fervor. Africa has been unable to stay united and strong, because a good number of us in leadership positions, rather than uphold the ideals that protect the sovereignty of our countries have fallen to the dictates of our colonial and development partners and recently through its multinational organizations that come with promises of employment, capital and infrastructure development.

Unfortunately these investment opportunities do not benefit from the mass of our people because of political and economic parasites who are in charge of the affairs of our countries. Corruption is real and if not the key factor for the failure of Africa in our deliberations on these next few days and saddle ourselves only with a scientific approach to solve the effect of global crisis in Africa, we will be doing a disservice to the continent.

Corruption is a major drawback to any development process that spans our continent. Some of us have created a culture of impunity that allows us the right to use all sorts of methods to fleece our countries of their resources. If we can not improve on the corruption index each year on what basis do we mourn for the negative effect of the global economic crisis? The soul of some parts of the continent has literally been sold during the period of 30 to 50 years than most African countries have been supposedly independent from colonial rule. Ironic facets of our sovereignty seems to have returned to our colonial and development partners and some of their corporate entities.

Some of these foreign influences even dictate what the policy guidelines that we have to and unfortunately, have also adopted their cultures with patronizing arrogance. I appreciate the fact that they live in a vacuum and therefore can not be expected to produce everything they need locally, but we have to be so obsessed with foreign cultures and to their adoption as a sign of lifestyle of good quality. Globalization has its own dictates. He preaches the free movement of goods and services and denounces the imposition of any form of economic barriers. The assumption is that by doing so, all economies will benefit in the same place.

We know this has proven to be a nightmare, especially for those of us in Africa. And how can we expect a level playing field when there were clear differences from the start. Most of our continent lacks infrastructure development, it lacks the ability to transform natural resources into finished products and have never had bargaining power in trade. Although the production of cocoa, timber, minerals of all types and a considerable amount of oil that we sell ourselves short because sadly foreign interests to control the use of these natural resources on their own terms.

Are the changes brought about by globalization taking place in our terms? Have we been able to stem the tide of brain drain? Are we not accepting globalization to the detriment of our own development and survival? We know that most of us have inherent weaknesses in terms of our political relationship with our people. This is what makes us so vulnerable.

When globalization became a phrase China, for example, quickly tap on your primary resource - skilled labor - and proceeded to work hard at making everything imaginable in the world. Although he suffered a brain drain that said that most Chinese are formed in the West and other advanced economies back home to share this knowledge. Today China is a great economic and military power and respected worldwide. As part of the disadvantages and advantages of globalization seems to have suffered deprivation and the work of this summit to identify ways to stem this tide.

One of the main road of recovery is the institution of mechanisms to protect the national sovereignty of our countries in terms of economic development. Without clearly establish the mechanisms that describe the extent of investor transactions and the lack of structures to control their operations, many of these investors who abuse our national interests without control. Most of these investors to repatriate most of their earnings to their native countries, leaving us with little capital for reinvestment in other projects viable. The developing world needs political leadership, traditional judicial and bold and energetic company dedicated to improving the situation of his people.

Fourteen years ago, the Social Development Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, I challenged the Western banks and financial institutions to open their vaults and their books to expose leaders and personalities who had plundered the wealth of their countries, but were protected by the so-called Western banking standards of secrecy and confidentiality. At that time, my colleague from world leaders gathered there knew my problem with stunned silence. Fidel Castro was the only figure who welcomed the challenge.

The negative effect of globalization was a wakeup call. Governments and peoples around the world, after having felt the chilling effect of the siphon the wealth of their nations in foreign accounts and foreign wealth accumulation in drug trafficking, terrorist financing and the purchase of political power have gone after these banks to expose their criminal clients and their loot. If we can contain this type of savagery then economic decentralization and regionalization will be the way forward in our quest for development.

Decentralization is an energy transfer system that garners respect and confidence of the people we elect as leaders. Decentralization allows governments to share their problems with the common people. This is what has been structured and raised in what we call the local government. Everything must be done to encourage local governments. Share the central government's burden to people, what governance refers demystifies and brings people into contact with the problems facing the central government. Numerous examples are scattered throughout the continent of governments imposing the so-called development projects in their village when the towns priorities are totally different. During the mid-70, a government of Ghana spent hard earned resources to create a wall of the stadium when a modern medical center was required priority project for the people of the area.

The current global financial and economic crisis, which is the worst crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, has confirmed what we in Africa have long known - that markets are fickle and are in favor of the strongest players . It is now more than ever clear that the international financial institutions that were mistaken for African States to adopt a hands-off approach and that this poor advice weakened African economies and put us in a bad position to withstand the current shocks. It is now clear that even the strongest economies, the effectiveness of timely government intervention has been demonstrated. We have seen that the state is not the enemy of development. In Africa, more than any other, no doubt, we need a strong state development can protect the rights of Africa to contribute to the global economy, not only as suppliers of raw materials or as hewers of wood.

But to do this, we must unite as Africans north and south of the Sahara and build a viable political and economic space and beautiful that can support creativity and ingenuity and initiative of our diverse and talented people. And do not be afraid to empower our people. When properly applied decentralization creates a healthy climate development, because the common people claim ownership of policies, projects and programs and are ready for the stomach along with the failures of government. How many governments are grappling with the face of public relations to convince people with all kinds of excuses for failed projects? If the decision to implement the projects are conducted in a top down approach, but in speaking with the people in a decentralized environment, there would be no need to spend scarce resources to protect the reputation of the government.

In Ghana, decentralization was achieved by establishing democratically elected district assemblies and their sub-structures. And through a system of elections and appointments in consultation with the chiefs and other opinion leaders 70 percent of the members was elected while 30 percent are reserved for appointees, who were mainly intellectuals and professionals looking for a good whose areas of expertise of the most informed decisions.

Decentralization and empowerment of people as leaders puts us in a position of responsibility, because the people instead of demanding accountability from them. Local government now has the potential to meet development that meets the basic needs and human rights of people in the developing world, helping to address the crisis of globalization. It has the potential to contribute to the prevention of conflicts related to the demands of good governance and participation.

Decentralization also encourages the practice of a greater sense of social responsibility to the sanitary conditions and preventing serious infectious and contagious diseases. It also allows a more responsible exploitation of local natural resources, while preventing environmental degradation. Local governments also have the potential to contribute to the management of the population and the reduction of extreme poverty and degradation. Decentralisation, if properly implemented provides the basis for regionalization. Regionalization as we all know we can exploit economies of scale, greater bargaining power and the exploitation of resources of the Member States for the benefit of the group.

Today the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) is one of the most powerful regional groups in Africa. It took us centuries to get where we are today, but still not have the kind of economic integration necessary to ensure the benefits of economies of scale that allow us to have a common currency, build factories and touch each of the natural resources for development concluded.

But as stated earlier these steps require courageous leadership and a structure for effective decentralization, ensuring popular participation and ownership of national policies. This is crucial for successful integration of key players should be the people who participate in the process. Socio-cultural differences of our continent can only be achieved if the participants do not feel the ground that national sovereignty is being delivered by the central government.

As the world reflects on how you should modify this model of development called capitalism, we can consider that this is a good time to emphasize a return to African values ​​and seriously question the emphasis on selfish individual, who is in the heart of the capitalist model that has led us to this sorry state of affairs worldwide. We need a return to community values ​​and away from the values ​​of the selfish. This is a time to insist that there is much that Africa can teach the world, if we believe in ourselves and the value of our cultural and spiritual heritage.

Africa has a steep hill to climb to soften the blow of the global financial crisis. However, if the continent is ready to take the bull by the horns and take courageous policies to lift Africa out of the darkness, then it will be a part of the battle.

Thank you.

The global crisis - Promotion of Local Development and Employment

The politics of global warming

The politics of global warming have involved many different political debate, the design of policies, legislation and participation of global warming science and the response to global warming. The political war of words has involved many different government agencies, scientific organizations and special interest groups. Most English-speaking countries have supported the action to help curb global warming. The predicted effects of global warming are too much to go through what the governments of many countries have joined forces to help stop global warming. The war against global warming is an endless battle. The possible results are alarming for what people should help as much as possible.

The most noticeable change due to global warming policy occurred on December 11, 1997 with the creation of the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the international Framework Convention on Climate Chance, which aims to help reduce greenhouse gases that cause climate change. The Kyoto Protocol, effective February 16, 2005. Since late 2007 hundreds seventy-five countries have ratified the protocol. However, only thirty-six developed countries are actually required to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases to the levels required for each country in the treaty. Three other countries expected to participate soon.

While the politics of global warming have made major improvements in the fight against global warming there is still much to do. Australia's Labor Party has ratified the Kyoto Protocol, however, only came into force in March 2008. The Liberal Party government of Canada has ratified the protocol. Labour Government of New Zealand, Helen Clark, ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. The UK Labour Party has ratified the Kyoto Protocol. In the U.S. the Democratic administration of Bill Clinton signed the Kyoto Protocol. Many Democrats support a series of bills that reduce emissions. However, the Democratic Congress has never voted or not the United States is bound by the treaty.

The politics of global warming have long debated whether or not global warming is really so dangerous. Many countries are struggling to crack down on global warming. Others have questioned the scientific consensus on global warming, or simply refuse action to mitigate global warming. In February 2007 survey found that ninety-five percent of the forty-one congressional Democrats agreed that the surface of the Earth is warming because of man-made problems, while only thirteen percent of thirty-one Republicans who were surveyed agreed. Skepticism about global warming includes many newspapers in the UK and a few in Canada.

The politics of global warming in the battle to determine what to do to stop carbon emissions. While the U.S. has never officially accepted the obligation to reduce emissions of one hundred ninety five cities in the United States have pledged to reduce carbon emissions to seven percentage below 1990 levels. That's more than fifty million Americans to commit to the cause. California, the sixth largest economy, made in 2005 to reduce emissions from 2000 levels by 2010. It is estimated that by the year 2020 if the California car standards were held throughout the country motorists should save up twenty-six billion dollars a year.

The politics of global warming are always arguing and trying to implement new methods of stopping global warming. The unpleasant after effects of global warming, almost always ends in death and destruction. While we as humans are causing global warming have to do everything possible to assist governments to stop or at least slow down global warming. We must act before it's too late. Many skeptics believe that global warming will one day lead to the end of the world. If that's true no one really knows. However, a surprising statement says that we must work hard to the policy side to prevent that from ever happening.

The politics of global warming